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Czechia: C1 Training activity
evaluation report

Saving and keeping water in nature

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The hereby C1 Training Activity Evaluation Report is part of the Quality Management Activity for  conducting check-ups of project activities with the aim at receiving honest feedback on the  fulfilment and impact of the activities, as well as building on what’s working well and improving  next actions. 

The C1 Training Activity took place in the Czech Republic in the period 8-12 November, 2021. The  main objective of the Training was to provide participants with the appropriate knowledge to save  water in livestock production, to present the newest technology on water accumulation in the area  of livestock production, to provide participants with effective water conservation skills;, and to equip participants with the necessary skills to transfer and apply the acquired knowledge in their  own countries. 

The objective of the Training evaluation was to collect the participants’ feedback on the training;  more specifically, to:  

  •  To ensure that the training conducted meet all qualitative and quantitative indicators set  by the consortium. 

  • Measure the level of satisfaction with the planning, organization and implementation of  the Training Course, as well as participants’ involvement;  

  • Assess the extent to which the Training Course meets participants’ needs and allows  transfer of knowledge; 

  • Collect suggestions for improvement of the organization and implementation of the next  training activities.


A total of 12 representatives from three countries (Chech Republic, Spain, and Bulgaria) attended the Training Course. 

After the Training Course participants were asked to complete an evaluation form on paper regarding overall training quality, achievement of training goals and outcomes, and the  effectiveness of training activities. 12 evaluation forms were returned filled in to the Activity Leader  – ECQ which form a 100% response rate. (See Table 1)

Detailed quantitative and qualitative results are described in the next few sections of the report.


Personal Information of Participants  

The evaluation form asked about the profile of participants in the Training Course including country  and age. According to the results the responses are distributed evenly among the participating  countries. There are 4 responses submitted by each of the participating countries – Bulgaria,  Portugal, and Spain.  

The representation of respondents per countries is as follows:


The data on the age of the participants shows almost equal age distribution, as it is shown on Figure  2. 


Preparation of the Training Course 

The first section in the evaluation questionnaire was on the satisfaction of the respondents from  the preparation of the training. Three different aspects were considered: 

  • Initial information about the Training  

  • Agenda of the Training  

  • Logistic information about the Training,  

All of the respondents were quite happy with the the initial information, which shows good  communication. The positive rate to all the aspects to this question is 100%.





Implementation of the Training Course 

The next question aims at receiving information on the satisfaction rate of the participants on  different aspects of the training. The training in the Czech Republic included various activities, such  as lectures, seminars, visits, etc. 

The “relevant” and “quite relevant” responses will be considered as positive feedback, while  “irrelevant” and “absolutely irrelevant” can be defined as negative. The option “neutral” is  assessed as neutral feedback. 


The respondents had to evaluate the following aspects of the training:  

  • Presentation: Hydroponics, infiltration + examples (ing. Zábranský) 

  • Tour in greenhouses, area of livestock in the Agriculture Univerzity 

  • Visiting the High school of Agriculture in Chrudim and the school farm 

  • Seminar – water erosion in CZ and antierosion measures - Ing. Harašta 

  • Seminar – revitalization of the watercouses and establishment of water polders in the landscape - ing.  Jiří Janoš 

As it is clear from Figure 4, the positive rate in this section is 100%. It should be noted that all of  the training participants rate the seminar on revitalization of the watercourses and establishment  of water polders in the landscape as particularly important.





Participant's Satisfaction with the Training Course 

The next question aimed at receiving information on participants' satisfaction with the Training  Course. The following areas were estimated: 

  • Duration of the Training Course 

  • Venue

  • Quality of presentations 

  • Facilitation, training methodology 

  • Quality of discussions, group exercises 

  • Contribution of participants 


The answers “very satisfied” and “satisfied” were considered as positive responses.



As can be seen in Figure 5, all the respondents have positively evaluated all the six areas. All the  components evaluated received 100 % positive rate.  

Further, respondents were asked to give their level of agreement with the following statements: 

  • The implementation of the Training Course met my expectations. 

  • The content of the Training Course was suitable to my needs. 

  • The activities of the Training Course provided me with sufficient knowledge and practice.

  • I will be able to use and/or transfer what I learned during the Training Course. 

The answers “absolutely agree” and “agree” were considered as positive responses. Once again, all the  respondents provided positive answers. The highest satisfaction rate has been received to the statement  that the implementation of the training met the expectation of the training participants, which once  again points to the good preparation of the training by the management team. 

Suggestions and Recommendations 

At the end of the evaluation respondents were asked to reflect on the most important learning  outcome for them due to the Training Course. The training participants were invited to share what  has been the most important learning outcome. Below are some citations: 

  • “The information on water management in the Czech epublic and comparison with our  country”  

  • “Professional and personal learning” 

  • “The systems to improve water management” 

  • “Contact with other people and know new reality” 

  • “The agricultural reality of the Czech Republic from the local farm visits and exchange of  their experience to participants” 

  • “The activities of the training and the local reality and practice in agriculture” 

  • “Revitalisation of water was a very useful presentation. Visit to the Univarsity of Agriculture  was also practical and important.”

  • “That we depend on water to live” 

  • “I have learned the importance of water and its key rolein all things of life in this world. I’m  also concerned how water impacts almost everything, from landscape to animal behavior” 

  • “Visit to the Agriculture university, presentation on the water retention in the landscape and  drift risks and drift reduction.” 

As can be seen from the statements above, the feedback about the Czech Republic Training Course  was excellent in every one aspect. Anyway, the next question provides a chance for the participants  to provide some suggstions for improvement. Most of them confirm their positive assessment.  There are some suggestions for including more visits and strengthening the practical aspect.  

On the question “What suggestions would you make for additions or improvement?” respondents  expressed the following recommendations: 

  • “Visit more farms to see things in action” 

  • “Visit more farms and livestock” 

  • “I have no recommendations” 

  • “I think it was all very well organised” 

  • “I would suggest to see more practical ways of water saving , so we could apply them to our  farms and teach those ways our neighbours and other professionals”  

  • “No, I have no recommendations” 


The evaluation of the Training Course is quite positive. All the participants rate the training as  successful in all its aspects.  

The only one aspect that could be improved is strengthening the practical part and applicability of  the information received, which should be considered for the remaining two trainings under the  project. 




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